Amongst the movers and shakers in the farm machinery business is a new premises for well-known New Holland and Kuhn dealer, Armstrong Farm Machinery, which has recently purchased the former John Deere premises at Jordanstown in north Co Dublin.
The premises of the former John Deere parts site went up for sale after the previous owner, Derek Plant, went into receivership earlier this year, with the 2.5ac site was sold by private tender. Although Armstrong Farm Machinery was the successful bidder with a bid in excess of €600,000 for the site, they weren’t the only ones interested as it is believed that at least five other bidders were involved including local machinery dealer Grimme and WBD.
According to Charles Hutchinson, who along with brother James and father Alex run Armstrong Farm Machinery, they will make the move from rented premises in the Naul to the new premises after the harvest is completed with Dundalk-based Hanlon Machinery set to be appointed as John Deere agent for the area which was formerly serviced by the previous owner Derek Plant.